Volunteer Expectations,

Terms, and Conditions

UPDATED 8.5.2024

Volunteering is an important, relational way to partner with Winchester Rescue Mission in serving the people of our community. Due to the nature of the work we do, there are certain expectations, terms, and conditions we have in place to ensure a safe, productive environment where everyone is treated with equality, dignity, and respect. These are listed below.

  • Partner with us

    • Align with our ministry ethics, policies, and procedures while volunteering.

    • Provide feedback, criticisms, and suggestions in a constructive way with the relevant staff, when you see opportunities to improve the way we do things.

    Choose “Culture over Convenience”

    • Make decisions that promote consistency and the values of our Ecosystem, rather than choosing what is quicker and easier.

    Treat everyone equally

    • Show everyone the same level of patience and respect whether it be community members, residents, staff, or other volunteers.

    Be slow to react

    • Choose not to take things personally, or react too quickly to the behavior of others. Whether interacting with community members, residents, other volunteers, or even staff - be patient, gracious, slow to react, and quick to listen and understand.

    • Choose Curiosity. This is a simple practical step for reducing your reactivity. If someone acts in a way that is initially upsetting to you, ask yourself “I wonder why they are doing that?” rather than immediately reacting to what they are saying or doing.

    Raise the “service ceiling”

    • In everything - conversations, interactions, donations, volunteering - always bring your best. Don’t just give what you would want to receive - give better than what you would want to receive. 

  • Safety

    • Follow the check-in process when you arrive, using the POINT QR code or the POINT landing page on the iPad in the lobby.

      • Always enter the building through the main side door first, so you can properly check-in prior to continuing through the building.

      • If you need access to the back door, ask staff to assist you with this after checking in.

    • Only be in the building during the specified time-frame of the given volunteer opportunity, unless other permission is specifically given by a staff member. (Example: Do not arrive too early, stay too late, or hang out in the building.)

    • Always wear the correct safety and protective gear for the volunteering work you are doing. (For example, when serving food always wear hair net, apron, and gloves)

    Children / Minors

    • Children volunteering under the age of 16 must be 1) accompanied by a legal guardian / parent 2) old enough to participate and respect safety boundaries, and 3) stay with their legal guardian / parent. Children must never be left unattended or allowed to roam the building.

    • Minors aged 16-17 can sign-up and come alone to volunteer, but only in positions that do not involve riding in a vehicle and/or leaving our premises during the course of the volunteer opportunity.

    Dress / Clothing

    • Dress in a manner that is modest and appropriate. Refrain from wearing clothing that references drugs, alcohol, or other inappropriate references.


    • Never gossip or share personal things that are heard or seen regarding our residents and community members. Confidentiality is critical to creating and maintaining a safe environment for people to heal and grow.

    Respect Boundaries and Policies

    • Follow the rules set by WRM staff. Trust that these rules are in place to ensure the safety and dignity of everyone, as well as the proper running of WRM.

    Interacting with Residents and Community Members

    • Refrain from physical contact with community members and residents (i.e. full hugs, etc.) A good rule of thumb is to keep contact limited to hands and shoulders.

    • Involve our Program Staff in any relationship connections you build with WRM residents. Keep conversations and relationships in open, high-visibility areas. Building relationships is encouraged, but must be kept “in the light” for the safety of everyone involved.

    • Do not give money or rides to anyone, share personal contact information without first checking with staff, date or become romantically involved with residents, or be alone with anyone of the opposite gender.

    • Remember that the best way to help those we serve is to work alongside the WRM, so refrain from assisting WRM guests in any way outside of your assigned volunteer opportunity. This includes, but is not limited to, assisting with: housing, counseling, employment, resources, etc.

    • Avoid conversations and/or arguments on contentious topics such as personal religious and/or political beliefs, etc. Instead seek conversations that promote understanding and “bridge-building.”

  • As a volunteer of Winchester Rescue Mission, you understand the ethical, legal, and moral responsibility to safeguard all information and records pertaining to all clients, residents, and donors, and WRM strategies. This is inclusive of all case management issues, personal background information, financial records, and strategic plans that are not available through public sources.

    Donor Information

    You realize it is also a violation of this agreement for you to discuss or disclose any information about any donor’s financial contributions or personal history without the donor’s permission to do so.

    Financial Business and Strategic Planning Information

    You also understand that it is a violation of this agreement to share with any individual agent or

    agency information about the Winchester Rescue Mission’s business that has not been made public.

    Waiver and Release of Liability

    You agree to release, hold harmless, and waive any and all claims, demands, and causes of action against Winchester Rescue Mission, including those for personal or property damage that may accrue to you as a volunteer for Winchester Rescue Mission arising out of any cause whatsoever. This includes, but is not limited to, claims arising out of the negligence or intentional conduct of its employees or agents. You agree that you are physically fit and prepared to perform the tasks assigned to you as a volunteer at Winchester Rescue Mission. You assume all risk of personal injury, property damage and/or any other loss you may sustain or cause as a result of your participation as a volunteer.

    Photo Release Authorization

    You also grant permission to Winchester Rescue Mission, its employees, agents, and assigns to use your photograph and/or other digital reproduction for publication processes, whether electronic, print, digital or electronic publishing via the Internet.

    Confidentiality Statement

    Furthermore, you agree, for the benefit of financial supporters of Winchester Rescue Mission not to disclose to third parties any information regarding supporters or their donations and recognize that any such information and donations, of any kind, are the property of Winchester Rescue Mission. You understand that if you violate this confidentiality agreement your involvement with Winchester Rescue Mission may be terminated. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Winchester Rescue Mission Ministries and its officers, board members, agents, employees, from any liability, claims, or demands that may result from your violation of the above agreements.

Winchester Rescue Mission depends upon your commitment to conduct yourself according to the above expectations, terms, and conditions while volunteering. WRM reserves the right to remove a volunteer from any assigned volunteering opportunity, and refuse any future volunteer service from a given individual, at any time and for any reason. If you have questions about these terms, email the volunteer coordinator at info@winrescue.org