We work to provide healing from the past, help for the present, and hope for the future to those devastated by the effects of homelessness and poverty.

“I gained a reliable job, housing, and a church community, along with a good tool kit of coping strategies.”

Every gift helps provide food, shelter, and hope to those in need.

In the last year we provided…

15,649 Nights of shelter Provided

15,649 Nights of shelter Provided

168 Unique individuals sheltered

168 Unique individuals sheltered

30 People found employment

30 People found employment

32 Chronically homeless individuals now housed

32 Chronically homeless individuals now housed

Our Services

Our residency program aims to bring life transformation to men and women experiencing homelessness. Cameron Market provides groceries, and Cafe on Cameron provides lunch and dinner, to anyone in need.

Over 200 meals served to the community every day.


The important work of Winchester Rescue Mission isn’t possible without the love and time invested by people like you. Become a “Community Builder” today, and join our volunteer program.

More than 35 families receive groceries every weekday.


Whether through financial or material contributions, every donation helps to make a difference in the lives of people in our community.